Wrestling is Fun June 22, 2013 "Potassium is 9/10ths of the Law"- Easton, PA

Wif 06 22 2013 1

Wif 06 22 2013 1Wif 06 22 2013 2Wif 06 22 2013 3


1. Shenron vs. Mr. Touchdown
2. Jaka vs. Shane Storm
3. The Proletariat Boar of Moldova & Mr. Azerbaijan vs. Frightmare & Ultramantis
4. Max Smashmaster vs. Fire Ant
5. The Bravado Brothers vs. Estonian ThunderFrog & Lithuanian Snow Troll
6. Oleg the Usurper vs. Blind Rage
7. Lance Steel & Jolly Roger vs. Los Ice Creams
8. Juan Francisco de Coronado vs. Amasis

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