St. Louis Anarchy August 26, 2016 "Circus Maximus: Us vs. Them Night 1" - Alton, IL

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1. The Diamond Dogs (Graham Bell & Luke Langley) vs. Jeff Gant & Matt Kenway
2. Jason Roberts vs. Ricky Starks
3. Bragging Rights Match: Aaron Solow vs. Curt Stallion
4. Kevin Lee Davidson vs. Paco Gonzalez vs. Slade Porter vs. Slade Sludge
5. Bragging Rights Match: Aaron Epic vs. Jojo Bravo
6. Bragging Rights Match: Gary Jay vs. Martin Stone
7. Austin Blackburn vs. Stephen Wolf
8. Danny Adams & Everett Connors vs. Team I.O.U. (Kerry Awful & Nick Iggy)
9. Bragging Rights Match: Chip Day vs. Davey Vega
10. SLA Tag Team Championship: The Cause(c) (Adam Caster & Evan Gelistico) vs. Roscoe Eat Lisa (Mikey McFinnegan & Zakk Sawyers)
11. SLA Heavyweight Championship: Jake Dirden vs. Mat Fitchett(c)
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