PRIME Wrestling August 19, 2012 "Wrestlelution 5: An Enduring Spirit' - Cleveland, OH
1. Jimmy Jacobs vs. Johnny Gargano
2. Rhino vs. Jason Bane
3. "M-Dogg 20" Matt Cross vs. Petey Williams
4. Zach Gowen with N8 Mattson vs. Gregory Iron
5. Casket Match: Michael Facade vs. Gory
6. No DQ Match: Krimson with Jayme Mason vs. Matt Mason
7. Hair vs. Hair Match: Bobby Shields vs. Bobby Beverly
8. Marion Fontaine vs. Aaron Draven (Justin LaBar & Aaron Maguire presiding at ringside)
9. Matthew Justice vs. Kirst
10. Louis Lyndon vs. Benjamin Boone with N8 Mattson
11. Bryan Castle with BatDan Arkham vs. Brian Bender
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