Chikara May 4, 2013 "The Ghost Of You Clings" - Porterdale, GA

Chikara 05 04 2013 2

Chikara 05 04 2013 2Chikara 05 04 2013 1Chikara 05 04 2013 3


1. Gavin Sings

2. Chuck Taylor vs. Shenron

3. Jigsaw & The Shard vs. Fire Ant & assailANT

4. Gran Akuma vs. Sugar Dunkerton

5. Kobald vs. Amasis

6. Colony Xtreme Force vs. Spectral Envoy & Green Ant

7. Tim Donst vs. Saturyne

8. Mr. Touchdown vs. Eddie Kingston

9. The Batiri vs. 3.0

10. Bonus Material: April 25th Event Center

11. Bonus Material: Pocast A-Go-Go #368

12. Bonus Material: Aniversario Update

13: Bonus Match: Shane Marx & The Jagged Edge vs. The Washington Bullets

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